We are incredibly proud to be appointed as the Co-Headteachers of Lightcliffe Church of England PrimarySchool and we take great pleasure in welcoming you to our school website. Located in Calderdale, West Yorkshire, our school is a two-form entry primary school which has been at the heart of the community for over 150 years.
We are a Church of England school, our 7 core Christian values of friendship, forgiveness, respect, compassion, joy, hope and courage permeate everything we do.
We passionately believe that we should inspire our pupils to flourish academically and socially, as individuals and as part of our school family. We aim to inspire with an engaging curriculum, quality first teaching and experiences that will enable pupils to flourish. Each of our classes are named after inspirational people and pupils learn about why they have inspired others.
We know that every child is unique, and we offer our pupils as many opportunities as possible to embrace their strengths, both inside and outside the classroom, using our fantastic school grounds for activities such as Forest School as well as PE and sport.Music is also an important part of life in school with our wonderful school choir and orchestra.
We want to work in partnership with parents and families, creating positive relationships based on mutual respect and trust that will inspire our pupils, enabling them to flourish and succeed.
At our last Ofsted inspection(December 2021), it was recognised that our school continues to be good, where pupils enjoy coming to school and they describe it as a happy and safe place to be.
We hope that our website will provide you with an insight into the distinctive nature of Lightcliffe Church of England Primary School and the many opportunities pupils are given to allow them to grow into well-informed, well-rounded, and socially responsible individuals.
We welcome you to come and visit our school to see us inspiring and flourishing together.