We are an academy school and therefore our admission authority is Abbey Multi Academy Trust.
Our school’s admission authority sets the admission policy every year. All our school’s admission policies are available in the document menu on this page. Our current policies are:
Our Open events have now taken place, if you would like to arrange a visit, please email us on admin@lightcliffeceprimary.co.uk
If you are applying for a reception place for September 2025, all applications are made in advance. The national closing date is 15 January 2025. Offers are made by the Local Authority on national offer day (16 April 2025).
Our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 60 per year group and this is the number of places the school can admit in reception in 2025.
You must apply to the local authority who empties your bins. If this is Calderdale, please go to Calderdale Council's Admissions website for further details or to make an application.
If you are applying for admission under our Christian Commitment criteria, you will need to send to our school (not the local authority) a completed Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Our SIF can be found on this page and in our admissions policies. We need to receive this by no later than 15 January 2025. Failure to complete this form may affect the oversubscription classification into which your child is placed.
You will also need to make an application to the local authority asking for a place at our school. You do this online at the above link. If you do not send the application to the local authority, you will not have made a valid application for a place at our school.
If you are moving into Calderdale or want to change schools in Calderdale, you need to make a school transfer – often called an in-year application.
This includes
Moving schools can be a difficult experience for a child. You should always speak to your child's current school before trying to move to see what support they can offer you.
We deal with our own applications for in-year admissions. If you wish to apply for a place you will need to make an application directly to our school.
You can apply for a place online using our mid-year application form available in the document menu on this page.
We have to offer places by applying our admission policy criteria to your child’s application. We will contact you with our decision no later than 15 school days from when you apply. If we cannot offer your child a place at our school, we will:
Our waiting lists are kept until the end of each school year. You will need to make a new application if you want to be on the waiting list for the following school year.
If we cannot offer you a place, you will have the right of appeal. The appeal panel is independent of the school and council and their decision is legally binding. Before you appeal you:
Appeals information and appeal forms can be obtained by contacting the clerk to the independent appeal panel:
Admission Appeal Clerk, PO Box 1694, Huddersfield, HD1 9DL
Telephone: 07949707868
Email: churchschoolappeals@gmail.com
If you are appealing for a reception place for September 2025, you need to submit your appeal form by the deadline set out in our Admissions Appeals Timeline (available on this page) to ensure the appeal will be heard before the summer holidays.
These classes are limited to 30 pupils per teacher by law. This means that appeals for these places are less likely to be successful.
If our school refuses your child a place because of this limit and you want to appeal, you will need to make an infant class size appeal. You can see if your reasons are likely to be successful by reading the Department for Education's information about infant class size appeals.
You can appeal because you want your child to attend a particular school. These are successful if the panel agree that the reasons for your appeal outweigh the school's decision not to admit any more children.
Wanting your child to go to a school because you think it is the best one in the area is not likely to convince the panel that your child should get a place there.